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Arcane gives you the power to create massive gaming communities. Users can create teams and tournaments and challenge each others, keeping track of the matches, share content and much more!
Main features:
- Tournament system! Easily create and manage tournaments between teams and users
- Team war system: Create and manage team matches and tournaments
- Users can create and manage teams
- Predefined page layout for clans for easy creation
- Full buddypress support, create your own community!
- Page builder powered by Visual Composer
- One click install
- WooCommerce support
- Parallax blocks
- Video blocks
- Animated images and icons
- WPML Ready
- Translate ready – .po files included
- Rating System , widget included
- bbPress ready, create your own community!
- Fully responsive design
- Unlimited colours
- Upload your own backgrounds
- CSS3 Styling
- CSS3 Animations
- Build using the latest Bootstrap
- Powered by Theme barracks with extensive options:
- Unlimited colours
- Upload your own backgrounds
- Jquery page slider turn on/off option
- Blog options
- Seo options
- Footer options
- Social media options
- Cross-browser compatible
- Seo ready
- Extensive documentation file
- Support forum