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The item is provided with fixed bugs and ready to be installed. Please read the features list below and test the demo completely before making the purchase. It uses self host as storage and not Google drive or Dropbox as their default storage!
Buckty is a platform where users can upload their files and share them along with other users.
Users also can connect to their Dropbox and Google drive accounts to sync the files from buckty to dropbox or dropbox to buckty and same for Google drive to buckty or buckty to Google drive.
Please contact me through contact form on my profile to get support on this item.
username: demouser password: demouser
1. Share files or folders with other users.
2. Share files or folders by email / link.
3. Upload any file type.
4. Most of the document files preview supported.
5. End to end file encryption.
6. Video and mp3 player to play audio and video files.
7. Fully Drag and Drop
8. Create Folders
9. Move files or folders.
10. Password protect shared files.
11. Multi drive connections with Google Drive And Dropbox.
12. Sync Files and folder To Dropbox And Google Drive.
13. Download Multiple Files into zip file.
14. Context menu for every File / Folder.
15. Make Copy of files.
16. File details
17. Preview image / doc / video / audio or any other file into lightbox.
18. Add or remove users to collaborate with file.
19. Manage permission for collaborative user.
20. Full Responsive.
1. Files and folders statics.
2. Manage / add / delete / ban users.
3. Delete files / folders.
4. View files / folders
5. Advanced Site translation system.
6. Manage site configuration.
7. Manage api settings.
8. Create / edit pages.