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The main stage of development of version 14.1 is completed , the release is under testing and pre-release preparation, but in the meantime, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the information about what awaits you with the release of the new version.
Added the ability to display data from the profile of the user who wrote the publication in the templates for displaying short and full news (shortstory.tpl and fullstory.tpl). Since this feature requires additional data fetching from the database, it is enabled and disabled in the script settings, in the performance optimization section. Therefore, this feature can be enabled by those who need it, and disabled if it is not used to increase the performance of the script and reduce the load on the server. To implement this feature, more than thirty new tags for templates were introduced, which contain information from the user profile, including data from its additional fields. A complete list of new tags for these templates: