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Hotel Booking WordPress Theme & Resort, Hotel Business Website Template
Tejal is a visually engaging and inviting hotel booking WordPress theme created for the hotel, chalet, resort, motel, room reservation and all kinds of accommodation services. The theme provides a highly enjoyable and delightful user experience through powerful search availability form, superb photo galleries, seasonal pricing box, and built-in payment gateways. As well, it increases bookings with the advanced inbuilt online booking form. Besides, you can also get the best advantage through the fantastic room, blog, about, dining, and contact layouts. Plus, this theme can be translated into any language of your choice with the WPML plugin. Also, smart SEO coding make reach you worldwide easily.
Tejalj theme comes with many Plugins integration like Kirki Toolkit, Unyson, WPBakery Pagebuilder, Ultimate Addon, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce, YITH Wishlist, and Akismet. In addition, Designthemes Core Features Plugin and Travel Addon Plugins are integrated. We will examine each Plugin and its role here.
A simple WordPress Plugin designed to implement the core features of DesignThemes. Version 1.0 of this Plugin is integrated into the themes by DesignThemes. Designing and customizing your page layout and design becomes a piece of cake using this Plugin.
This Plugin is a simple WordPress Plugin that integrates the travel features of DesignThemes. As a result, you would find the delightful features of Room displaying in the Navigation menu itself. You can create multiple Room Types with different capacities and features. You can configure Additional Services and Amenities besides Orders given from the Room by the Customers. This unique feature is a great USP that describes your rooms and services in amazingly refreshing ways.
Tejal Travel theme comes with Kirki integrations. Kirki is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers using the WordPress Customizer. Tejal theme lets you take advantage of its advanced features and flexibility. Simply by abstracting the code, it is easy for everyone to design beautiful and meaningful UI. In addition, you can easily add configurations for your projects.
It helps you save time which is great! Create you panels and sections. The ease with which you could do is the most useful part of Kirki. Customize and add fields with ease. It helps you to automatically create CSS from your fields. All this in real time while you preview the changes via the customizer’s preview instantly using the automatic post-Message scripts creation!
Unyson is a free Plugin that is easy to configure. It offers the Drag and Drop framework coming as it does with a bundle of extensions which will work on the backend real fast and easy. Using Unyson, you can create backup and import demo content besides archiving the demo content for migration. You don’t need separate slider Plugins as Unyson comes with 3 built-in sliders for images and video.
Moreover, you can create an amazing mega menu to display your menu configurations as a dropdown. In addition, using Unyson, you can create dynamic sidebars, filtering animations in portfolios, forms, breadcrumbs, SEO analysis, feedback and event management functions without opting for those Plugins!
WPBakery Pagebuilder(formerly known as Visual Composer) makes designing of a site into a simple drag and drop affair that everyone would simply love to get their hands on. Using the WYSIWYG-what you see is what you get-interface, it is a piece of cake to design your website like a professional!
Includes Visual Composer premium addon elements like Icon boxes, model Popups, Info Box, Interactive Banner, Flip Box, Info List & Counter. Best of all – provides A Font Icon Manager allowing users to upload/delete custom icon fonts. Parallax, Video Backgrounds, Row effects, CSS3 animations, icon fonts and much more!