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Welcome to Tile Max theme, from Designthemes.
Tile Max theme is an exclusive theme for floorings and tiles segments. Offering insightful pages and select Plugins for this niche, Tile Max theme is the perfect choice for your business of ceramic tiles, porcelain, marble and wooden flooring manufacturers and agencies trading in flooring and tiles materials. In addition, Tile Max theme is suitable for companies doing the renovation work and paving the floors apart from other flooring solutions and services. Let us look at Tile Max theme in more depth and examine the Plugins and frameworks it offers.
Tile Max theme lets you take advantage of its advanced features and flexibility. Tile Max theme comes with Kirki toolkit which is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers using the WordPress Customizer. Simply by abstracting the code, it is easy for everyone to design beautiful and meaningful User Interface, UI.
The ease with which you could add configurations for your projects is the most useful part of Kirki. In addition, it helps you save time which is great! Create you panels and sections. Customize and add fields with ease using Kirki toolkit.
Tile Max comes with Unyson, which is a free Plugin that is easy to configure. It offers the Drag and Drop framework coming as it does with a bundle of extensions which will work from the backend real fast and easy. Using Unyson, you can create backup and import demo content besides archiving the demo content for migration. You don’t need separate slider Plugins as Unyson comes with 3 built-in sliders for images and video. Moreover, you can create amazing Mega Menu to display your menu configurations as a dropdown. In addition, using Unyson, you can create dynamic sidebars, filtering animations in portfolios, forms, breadcrumbs, SEO analysis, feedback and event management functions without opting for those Plugins!