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Xtract is One Page and Parallax HTML Template for Companies, Enterprises, Businesses, Agencies, Personal Blogs, or Freelancers etc. This template includes all essential elements that a Company needs. We have tried our best to cover all possible pages. It is pixel perfect, made with Bootstrap Grid. Also we offer dedicated 24/7 Free support for our valuable customers. Feel free to get support as we love to help our clients.
Key Features
- 10+ home page demos including one page home page.
- 10+ HTML pages.
- Bootstrap 3x responsive.
- Beautiful and gorgeous header styles like transparent, white, dark, top bar, center navigation, centered logo, top logo, right menu and centered navigation.
- Image and video background.
- Ico Fonts, Ion Icons and Et-line font icons.
- Free Google web fonts.
- Working ajax and PHP contact forms with from data validation.
- Revolution slider (premium jQuery plugin worth $16 included free of cost).
- Touch slick slider.
- Sticky header menus.
- Smooth parallax scrolling sections.
- Video in background and popup.
- Animated Text.
- Full screen image sliders.
- Smooth scroll with one page home page ready demo.
- Team members and clients grid and carousel.
- Animated progress bar.
- Statistic counters.
- Countdown timer.
- Counting pie charts.
- Testimonial grid and carousel.
- Pricing tables.
- Search engine optimized code.
- Easy to use and customizable as well.
- Developer friendly, well commented and structured code.
- Perfect documentation with better understanding of template code and features.
- Cross browser and devices compatible.
- Fast Supports.
- Shutter Stock
- Design Made In Germany
- Unsplash
- NothingToChance
- Pexels
- Behance
- Coverr
The images used on the demo site are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download file. We have included placeholder images for each instance.